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Must-Try VR Combat Games for Stress Relief


vr combat games for stress relief


VR games offer a break from the rigors of everyday life, and this is especially true when you're feeling stressed. In particular, VR combat games are emerging as a safe, effective way to blow off steam when the real world is relentless. Let's take a moment to learn about the benefits of VR combat, what games work well, and a few tips to make the most of your experience.


VR Games for Stress Management

Think about the last time you were riding a serious anxiety wave. Did you wish you could drop everything, travel to an exotic paradise, and return recentered, refocused, and ready to take on life again? VR lets us do just that! When you escape to the metaverse, you enter a three-dimensional, interactive world that redirects your mind, providing a productive distraction and helping to put your problems into perspective when you return to the "real world."


Did you know that there is credible research out there that supports using VR games for stress management? For example, a study published in the Games for Health Journal found that U.S. veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) benefited mentally from the ability to use VR combat games when they experienced feelings of violence. According to the same study, these games also help veterans validate their role as a soldier and deal with the sudden lack of a competitive, high-stakes environment upon returning home.


VR fighting games can get pretty intense, leaving you drenched in sweat and out of breath. Sounds like a workout, doesn't it? According to the experts at Mayo Clinic, exercise increases your endorphin levels and reduces the negative effects of stress. Fighting for your life in VR can help you reap these benefits!


Must Try VR Combat Games for Stress Relief



Have you ever been so angry or stressed that you felt like punching something? With Creed: Rise to Glory™, now you can! Step into the ring as Adonis Creed and become a history-making boxer by fighting against top contenders for the title. As one of the most immersive hand-to-hand combat VR games available, you'll feel the effects of every punch and the fatigue of a tough challenge. Choose the mini-game mode to get a quick fix, or fight for the long haul in career mode.


Les Mills Bodycombat

les mills bodycombat vr combat games 

Get those endorphins flowing with Les Mills Bodycombat, a bodycombat VR game created for people of all fitness levels. Les Mills Bodycombat is based on martial arts workouts. All those punches and knee strikes will make you work up a sweat alongside professional coaches to help you stay motivated. Choose from seven different environments to sufficiently distract you from the energy you're expending.




With five different studios and hundreds of classes to choose from, FitXR offers plenty of options for fitness-related stress relief. There's even a combat studio to throw your punches until you're calm. Best of all, you can complete your combat-style workout overlooking the sea, on an urban rooftop, or in another engaging, immersive environment. Professional trainers and great tunes complete your VR combat workout.


Sucker Punch VR

sucker punch vr combat game 

While many VR combat games are serious, Sucker Punch VR is all about fun! In this arcade-style environment, players punch cubes to beat their opponent's score. Play against AI or grab a buddy and throw punches against someone you know for ultimate bragging rights. Test out different types of gloves and equipment to see what combination sets you up for success. Each level is more difficult than the last, and there's no better way to relieve stress than watching your name rise on the global leaderboard.



x-fighter vr combat game 

Your living room transforms into an arena in X-Fighter, a virtual workout game that blends exercise and VR combat. Go up against an intimidating cyborg and marvel at how realistic the mechanics are in this virtual experience. As music bumps in the background, you'll duck, block, and of course, punch your way to less stress. If music helps you escape reality, load your favorite MP3 files into X-Fighter and punch your opponent to a customized beat.


How to Reduce Stress while Playing VR Fighting Games  


One of the best ways to ensure that your chosen VR game reduces your stress levels is to play it on a state-of-the-art system, such as a PICO 4. VR combat games are known for intense movements, so a secure headset will help you fully immerse yourself in your virtual environment. PICO 4 systems are lightweight and feature a balanced design that stays put during hand-to-hand combat VR games. The PICO 4 also has motorized interpupillary distance adjustment to promote clear images and visual stability in the metaverse, reducing your chances of developing uncomfortable VR dizziness.


Tips for Playing VR Hand-to-Hand Combat VR Games  


Staying safe while playing VR combat games begins before you put on your headset. Look around and ensure that your playing area is free of anything that could get in the way of a good fight. In addition, these games involve a lot of movement, which is a trigger for VR sickness for some. If you are prone to motion sickness in the metaverse, try wearing acupressure bands, taking an over-the-counter anti-nausea medication, and taking frequent breaks during gameplay.


It's counterproductive to become frustrated while you play VR games to relieve stress! If this happens to you, try a lower difficulty level. Many games have a non-competitive mode, so that's another option if VR stress is getting the best of you.


Although they are often effectively used to relieve stress, VR fighting games can increase your stress levels if played too long. If you're feeling edgy during gameplay, take a break. Try a VR experience targeted toward mindfulness or relaxation, or exit the metaverse in favor of a real-world activity you enjoy.



VR fighting games are a proven way for some people to relieve anxiety, especially in today's high-pressure world. Games such as Les Mills Bodycombat, Sucker Punch VR, and others help players check out from reality until they decompress enough to deal with the stress surrounding them. Play VR games on a PICO headset and experience the stress-relieving benefits of VR combat.